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Bioshock Infinite Mac Os X Download

Indebted to the wrong people, Booker DeWitt must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned in the sky-city of Columbia. Forced to trust one another, they harness an expanding arsenal of weapons and abilities, as they fight on zeppelins in the clouds, along high-speed Sky-Lines, and down in the streets of Columbia – all to survive the threats of the sky-city and uncover its dark secret. Download the latest version of BioShock Infinite: Season Pass for Mac - Three DLC packs for Bioshock: Infinite. Read 0 user reviews of BioShock Infinite: Season Pass on MacUpdate. Bioshock: Infinite Developed By: Irrational Games Published By: 2K Games Released: March 26, 2013 Available On: Microsoft Windows, PS3, Xbox 360, Mac OS X Genre: First-person Shooter ESRB Rating: M for Mature Number of Players: Single-player only Price: $59.99.

Today is the release of two highly anticipated projects on the Mac platform: BioShock Infinite, and SimCity. Download a first person shooter and town-planning simulator can be in store for Apple computers and website development companies.

BioShock Infinite is not a direct sequel to the first two parts, created by the studio Irrational. In addition to the Irrational in the development of the new project is involved 2K Marin. The action in the game is developed in the first half of the XX century alternative to soaring in the clouds, and embodies all the cultural, religious and other ideals of Americans in Columbia. He is isolated from the rest of humanity, and there is a civil war.

The protagonist of the game, the private detective Booker DeWitt, is to find a Columbia girl named Elizabeth, who had been kept there since childhood, and get her out. Over time, however, he discovers that Elizabeth is one of the key components of the conflict that takes place in Columbia.

Minimum system requirements for BioShock Infinite: OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4 and higher, an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or higher, and 4 GB of RAM.

Version of SimCity for the PC, as it is known, went on sale in early March. The new release has got rid of the numbers in the title, and in return got a modern graphics. However, the release was held a disaster for developers, what’s not in the least to blame for the unstable operation of game servers. The game requires a constant connection to the Internet, you need to ensure that the interaction between the players. Action gamers, whose cities are in the same region, affect each other. For example, if one of them allow pollution of the river, the inhabitants of the town downstream may leave their homes. The decision to turn to the SimCity MMO was met mixed reviews, players and the media. In any case, Mac-release version SimCity promises pass more smoothly than a PC.

Minimum System Requirements SimCity for Mac – OS OS X 10.7.5 or higher and an Intel Core 2 Duo. Is fully compatible between platforms cities Mac and Windows. Moreover, if the user has already purchased SimCity for the PC, then the version of the game for the Mac is available for free.

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BioShock Infinite

Developer: Irrational Games
Publisher: 2K Games
Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Released internationally: March 26, 2013

This game has unused areas.
This game has unused enemies.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused sounds.

This article is a work in progress.
..Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Unused Kinetoscopes and one unused Voxophone transcript, resurrecto model, Desert and Space Lighthouses, and Old Elizabeth Voxophone mugshot.

BioShock Infinite takes place in an alternate universe 1912 America, with a floating city powered by raci- sorry, apparent quantum mechanics.

  • 1Gameplay
    • 1.2Unused Enemies
    • 1.3Unused Areas
  • 2Graphics
  • 3Unused Cubemaps
  • 5Unused Text


Unused Vending Machines

  • While tailor machines appear in the game, they are all destroyed or under repair, with a single piece of wear in each. However, Arc_XSubtitles.INT in the game's Localization folder suggests that they were once supposed to be fully usable, likely fulfilling the same role as the Tonic machines in the original BioShock:

The following lines, also in Arc_XSubtitles.INT are also unused, but seem to reflect an alternate concept for the tailor machines instead of the stereotypical Jewish tailor used in the other subtitles and final game. Concept art shows an alternate 'Father Franklin'-themed tailor machine, so these could have been intended for that.

Unused Enemies


Slate has an unused fight mechanic to fight the player. He has really high movement speed, more health than normal enemies, and no actual firearm besides Shock Jockey. He will run around and throw multiple traps at the ground. When he is far enough away from you, he will throw them at you. When killed, he will not drop any loot.

Unused Areas

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Mountain Observatory

An unused area can be found far away in the ending scene with Elizabeth exploring the lighthouses. It features a series of snowy cliffs and a bridge leading to a very unfinished observatory, which is quite interesting as there are no such structures anywhere else in the game. The observatory has a working door, though opening it causes you to fall into an infinite void.


Unused Devil Texture

An in-game choice at an airship station can lead to Booker DeWitt's hand being stabbed by a ticket vendor. Interestingly, the textures for the bandage show a devil face which is never seen in-game, as it's not covered by the UVW map.

Early Comstock Poster

Some distant building models in the game contain an earlier Comstock graphic. The building models could very well come from earlier builds, perhaps as old as 2010. Comstock's appearance is completely different from his final design, looking a bit more intimidating.

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Early Vigor Poster

To do:
Add graphic rip/screenshot.

As with the early Comstock poster, a few distant building models contain an unused poster for a vigor called 'Mesmerize', almost certainly an earlier title for the Possession vigor. Interestingly enough, a poster with almost the same wording (albeit a completely different image and design) for Possession can be found in other parts of the game.

Inaccessible Good Time Club Room

In the room in the Good Time Club where Booker and Elizabeth find Chen Lin's body, there is a small inaccessible room adjacent to the room through the walls that contains an unknown, untextured model sitting in a chair as well as a model of Booker's right hand jutting out of the wall.

If the room is accessed before triggering the Chen Lin cutscene in which Elizabeth opens a tear, Booker's arms will be facing towards the center of the room, making both of them visible. The untextured body and the room itself remain otherwise unchanged.

Unused Cubemaps


The cubemap's filename suggests that this cubemap is a remnant from the cancelled multiplayer portion of Bioshock: Infinite.


Appears to be an apartment of sorts. The artstyle for this particular cubemap is quite plain in comparison to the Bioshock series' reputation for using older art styles.


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Features a street littered with garbage along with many buildings which appear to be boarded up. There appears to be a clock at the end of the street. It is possible that this street is meant to be in Paris, a location mentioned frequently throughout the game.

Unused Music

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Upload the others.

There appear to be several unused music files located in the audio section of the game data. Most of them seem to have only minor alterations in pitch; however, some appear to be quite different.

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A possible early version of Lutece's theme.

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Unused Text

Unused Voxophone

Bioshock Infinite Mac Os X Download

Text for an unused rant on eugenics exists in PreCoalescedItemAssets.INT:

This appears under the headings of both [TestAudioLogItem XAudioLogItem] and [Consumable_AudioLog_Base XAudioLogItem]; the two versions are nearly identical except that the latter replaces the location and date with 'Location Unknown' and 'Date Unknown' respectively.Note that the game is set in 1912, and that The Little Red Bottle is not a location in it. This, along with the heading names, suggests this may have just been used for development purposes and never intended to appear in the final game.

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The BioShock series
WindowsBioShock (Remastered) • BioShock 2 • BioShock Infinite
Mac OS XBioShock • BioShock 2
Xbox 360BioShock • BioShock 2 • BioShock Infinite
PlayStation 3BioShock • BioShock 2 • BioShock Infinite

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